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Tag: Oil painting

Plein Air

Yesterday I went out on the trail toward Bridge to Nowhere with my mom and dad who read and fished while I tried out a painting en plein air with oil on panel. It’s a dyptic because I happened to have two 4″ by 16″ panels already gessoed, and they fit in my backpack quite nicely.

Lava Land

48″ by 48″ oil on canvas

This was seriously fun to paint. Apparently my idea of a volcano is a happy fluffly dreamscape.

Not So Swimmingly

60″ by 48″ oil on canvas

This is the first piece in a while in which I haven’t included any collaged elements. I whipped it out in just two weeks. It reminded me of how time consuming all that paper can be. Isn’t it funny how always trying to be the same can result in flailing around with your head cut off?


The presence of chaos, rather than order, is the more common outcome of conformity. I used synchronized swimmers as a representation of conformity to explore this concept. An underwater vantage point reveals the intricate imperfections of the illusion of unity on the surface. I painted much faster and looser than normal to produce movement and the bright colors were selected to create an abstract feeling of struggle while showing the beauty that lies in our differences.

Moon Traffic

60″ by 48″ graph paper and oil on canvas


4′ by 5′ Oil and book pages on canvas.